Friday, July 18, 2008

Look for fireworks from Aquarius

Astronomy: Roen Kelly

The sky this month

Look for fireworks from Aquarius

The summer meteor season begins with a favorable display from the Delta Aquarids. The meteor shower, which is active from mid-July to mid-August, peaks July 27.

This shower favors observers in the southern half of North America. The reason: Southern latitudes place the radiant higher in the sky.

Observing Delta Aquarid meteors just got a little easier. According to the International Meteor Organization, several faint summer showers with reported radiants near Aquarius confused observers. Several new studies, however, indicate the Delta Aquarid radiant is the only real one.

The Delta Aquarid shower produces between 10 and 20 fast - but not especially bright - meteors per hour. The Last Quarter Moon July 25 will create only minor interference with your meteor hunt.

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